Mir's Legend - The Forgotten Ones. 미르의 전설 : 잊혀진 전사들. Author (s) : Martial arts Shounen. Oct 19,2020 - 22:07 PM. This is a story based off a popular. Read Mir's Legend - The Forgotten Ones - This is a story based off a popular chinese game. A party consisting of 5 powerful people are off on a quest to kill the Paragon Dragon that. Mir s Legend The Forgotten Ones.
2,029 15 N/A. Action Long Strip Martial Arts Adventure Fantasy Comic Adaptation Full Color. Publication: Completed. This is a story based off a popular chinese. Description : This is a story based off a popular chinese game. A party consisting of 5 powerful people are off on a quest to kill the Paragon Dragon that resides. This is a story based off a popular chinese game. A party consisting of 5 powerful people are off on a quest to kill the Paragon Dragon that resides in the mountains. Not many facts.
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