You are reading Shinozaki-kun no Mente Jijou manga, one of the most popular manga covering in Comedy, Fantasy, Supernatural genres, written by Burio Michiru at. Shinozaki-kun no Mente Jijou. Shinozaki – an utterly ordinary salaryman who has been suffering from a "pain in the neck" – finds his otherwise-typical life suddenly interrupted. Shinozaki Kun No Mente Jijou.
Shinozaki kun no Mente Jijou : Shinozaki is just an ordinary, everyday office worker burdened by the very normal worry that he might be a bit off his head. One day,. Japanese: 篠崎くんのメンテ事情 Information Type: Manga Volumes: Unknown Chapters: Unknown Status: Publishing Published: Nov 30, 2017 to ? Genres:. You are reading Shinozaki-kun no Mente Jijou manga, one of the most popular manga covering in Supernatural, Fantasy, Comedy, Shoujo genres, written by Burio, Michiru at.
Shinozaki-kun no Mente Jijou | Kenmei
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Shinozaki, an ordinary office worker recently worried about being "off his head", is approached by a woman named Yuyake. She explains that her magician grandmother. Shinozakikun no Mente Jijou absolutely hits the perfect spot for slice of life keeping it mostly calm while having its little unusual bits sprinkled every now and then. there isnt. Shinozaki is just an ordinary, everyday office worker burdened by the very normal worry that he might be a bit "off his head." One day, he's approached by a.
A Manga a Day: Shinozaki kun no Mente Jijou
Manga recommendation for 31st of August 2022